Engaging in a Revenge Affair and Why it Won’t Work

revengeThe Revenge affair.  An eye for an eye.   Adult “tit for tat.”   These are affairs done in retaliation for a partner’s affair or due to mistreatment by the marital partner. In many cases, a Betrayed Spouse has an affair to “even the score” — and may make sure that their Wayward Spouse knows they did it.

But it’s a dangerous, immature and self-defeating response to being cheated on, which can backfire in many ways.

These actions almost always lead to separation and divorce.

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The Seven Types of Affairs

rememberYes, there are different types of affairs!  It’s occurred to me how much on blogs and forums we throw around the word “affair” as if they are all about the same.   As if a one-night stand is the same as 5-year, deeply emotional and physical affair.  I think  that properly identifying the type of affair that has occurred or is occurring is important because it will lead the betrayed spouse to make the right decision – should I stay or should I go?  Answer the question of who they are really married to?  Continue reading

More Affair Search Terms People Use to Reach My Blog and My Responses


In lieu of getting ideas for posts, or having people sending me email questions to respond to here (mostly they would rather not have their questions end up on my blog, and I respect that), I go through the list on my dashboard of recent search engine terms that have led people to my blog.

And respond to them quickly. Kind of like “Drive-By Advice”.  This is part III. Continue reading

Reblog: You can’t escape your past

I stumbled upon this blog. Curiously (and you don’t see it often), part of the blog deals with an affair — by a lesbian. She talks about the “Other Woman” and she is a woman.  I think this is the first one of these I’ve seen yet.  One can see that her words are profound and her feelings are no different than hetero cheaters feel. I thought it was a good read and worthy of a reblog since it appears that this person stopped writing about the affair about 2 years ago (it appears it all blew up 4 years ago).  Continue reading